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Di. 26.07.2022 19:30 Jazz-Club Konzert Stream

Judy Niemack – Yuri Seredin Duo 

Judy Niemack (Gesang), Yuri Seredin (Piano)

USA trifft Ukraine

"You sing like an angel, or at least like an angel who’s heard Basie and Miles: you’ve got intonation that whole choruses would kill for, and a voice that never loses its soft sheen even at hot tempos and high volume.  You’re one of the few singers who actually should sing scat solos, since you think so much like a horn player."  (I recall you telling me once that the reason you studied classical singing was to get “complete control” of your vocal instrument; and that when you studied improvisation with Warne Marsh, you wanted to “raise the bar” and go beyond the bebop riffing of most scatters.  And you know what, Judy?  You really have.) I’ve never heard you not swing, though I do sometimes hear the harmonies behind the notes when you sing them.  I guess that has something to do with how you maneuver around the melody, huh? "  (Neil Tesser, Downbeat)

Yuriy Seredin is a Ukrainian jazz pianist and film composer. In 2011 Yuriy received a Masters degree in composition from the Lviv National Musical Academy and in 2015 a Master degree in jazz piano from the Jazz Institute Berlin, studying with John Hollenbeck. Yuriy has also privately studied with pianists John Escreet and Joel Holmes, attended workshops of Kenny Wener, Ethan Iverson, Claudia Quintet.


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