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24.05.2022 19:30 Jazz-Club Konzert Stream

Triple Ace

Oliver Kent (Piano), Uli Langthaler (Kontrabass), Dusan Novakov (Schlagzeug)

This jazz ensemble with Oliver Kent on piano, Uli Langthaler on bass and Dusan Novakov on drums is fresh and exciting. The individual ability of each of these musicians, and their strong energy as they play and create together, make triple ace – colours in jazz an outstanding trio.

The musicians’ open-minded approach allows them to create compositions with unique improvisation and style, taking the audience along on a fascinating journey in jazz music. Their profound relation to the jazz tradition enables them to experiment in an elegant way, employing contemporary as well as popular elements without being stagey. Authenticity, substance and surprising grooves form the foundations for colourful compositions created by triple ace – colours in jazz.

Das Live Abo Trio

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