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30.08.2023 19:30 Jazz-Club Concert Stream

Doppler Trio feat. Frederik Köster

Daniël van der Duim (piano), Floris-Jan van den Berg (double bass), Hendrik Eichler (drums)

A concert from the series »Young Talents«

On this evening, the Doppler Trio is additionally joined by Cologne trumpet star Frederik Köster for a few pieces. The members of the Doppler Trio are masters in serving musical stories to their audience. This is already proven by the title of their new album. On the one hand, ARCHEAN ("Archaean") refers to the geological period of the same name, which began around 2.5 billion years ago and during which the Earth formed its crust. On the other hand, it is an allusion to the arc of tension that many of the ensemble's pieces build. "Album and compositions trace the stages of Earth's development. It all started with a ball of fire, which first became water, later land, on which life developed," explains Daniël van der Duim. The Dutchman plays piano and synthesizer and is the mastermind behind most of the compositions. He is assisted by his compatriot Floris-Jan van den Berg (double bass and vocals) and the German Hendrik Eichler (drums and tablas). Thus ARCHEAN is a consistent continuation of the first album NEBULA. On that album everything revolved around planetary nebulae - from which stars and ultimately the entire universe emerged.

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