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Fri 26.05.2023 20:30 Klubbar Concert

Unlock The Stillness

Unlock the Stillness is the new project of German composer and percussionist Manos Tsangaris and producer Dieter Krauthausen. It builds on the "hypnotic percussion" (Boomkat) of 1990 groove track Elephant's Easy Moonwalk Through the Night - "a brain-bending musical achievement" (Bleep) that was re-released on Nonplace in 2017 after gaining cult status among collectors and DJs - as well as his decade-long collaboration with Jaki Liebezeit in the drumming collective Drums Off Chaos. On Telepathic Talents, Tsangaris and Krauthausen take the cerebral grooves and surreal soundscapes of their self-titled debut EP from 2021 and send them into another dimension with the help of Swedish violinist Karin Hellqvist's Hendrix stylings. Tsangaris' spoken word vocals underpin the record with a poetic flow that incorporates both the whimsical and the profound. At the heart of the EP are the idiosyncratic percussive grooves - sometimes hypnotic, sometimes playful or even gnarly, recorded largely without a single drum kit, as on the debut, but using found objects in the recording studio as source material.

Supported by cologne finest record stores Hauptsache Musik, Parallel Schallplatten, Groove Attack Record Store, Kontrapunkt Vinyl, Plattenladen

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