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»I´m All Over It«

Jamie Cullum is the most successful British jazz musician of today, a sensational entertainer with his own compositions and several cover versions (the most famous being “Don’t Stop The Music” by Rihanna). His song “I’m all over again” illustrates his power, his crossover style. And if you want to hear more, we recommend the recording of his piano solo concert from 2021. At King Georg we play the music of Jamie Cullum next Tuesday, 28 March

And of course, his cover song “Don’t Stop The Music” must not be missing here (11 million views on Youtube) – interesting especially in comparison with the Rihanna original (644 million views).

Jochen Axer, supporter of the King Georg and promoter of many other jazz projects via the Cologne Jazz Supporters, presents one of his favourites here every Sunday.